Add Attendees to a Hosted Meal or Event in a Concur Expense Report


You are required to track attendees for hosted meals or events. Depending on the number of attendees, there are different options for documenting who attended.  

Review the procedure in its entirety or click a link below to learn about a specific option for recording attendees for a hosted meal/event.

Important Information

For Hosting expenses, the Business Purpose Category (required), Business Purpose Details (required), Comments, and Department Reference fields may be used to provide additional detail about the meal/event. For more information, see Concur Expense Report Key Fields and Use of the Details Menu.

 This procedure assumes you know how to create an expense report and enter/import expense lines into the report. For complete instructions, see Create and Submit a Concur Expense Report. This procedure begins each example at the point you enter attendees for the Hosting expense.

Step-by-Step Process

Add Attendees (Fewer than 10)

The Hosting Meals (Breakfast/Lunch), Hosting Meals (Dinner), and Hosting Alcoholic Beverages Expense Types display the Attendees link in the top left of the expense pane.  This link allows you to:

  • Add a New Attendee (i.e., person who has not attended a meal/event hosted by you previously).
  • Enter an individual from your Favorite Attendee list in your Expense Profile.
  • Search for and select a person from Favorite Attendee list or Recent Attendees.

To add a new attendee:

Note: Your name automatically appears in the attendee list.

  1. Click Add.

    Field location for step 1

  2. Click the Attendees tab.

    Field location for steps 2-3

  3. Click Create New Attendee.
  4. Select the Attendee Type from the drop-down list.

    Field location for steps 4-6

  5. Enter the Attendee Details as appropriate:
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Attendee Title (if applicable)
    • Affiliation (if applicable)
    • Uniqname (if applicable)
    • Department (if applicable)

    Note: The fields in the Create New Attendee pane vary depending on the selected Attendee Type.

  6. Click Create Attendee to save a single attendee and then exit the pop-up, or fill out the form again to add additional attendees.

Note: All attendees added on an individual basis are saved as Favorite Attendees in your Expense Profile.

When finished adding attendees, go to step 18.

To add an attendee you have hosted previously:

  1. On the Attendees tab, enter the first or last name of the individual in the Attendee Name field, and then select the name from the resulting list of values.

    Field location for step 7


  1. On the Recent Attendees tab, click Search All Attendee History to open the Favorites list.

    Field location for step 8

  2. Check the box next to the applicable attendee(s).

    Field location for step 10

  3. Click Add to List.

When finished adding attendees, go to step 18.

To add attendees from a directory:

  1. On the Attendees tab, click More Search Options.

    Field location for step 11

  2. Select an Attendee type from the drop-down list.

    Field location for steps 12-14

  3. Enter applicable search information in the following fields:
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Attendee Title
    • Affiliation
  4. Click Search.
  5. Check the box next to the applicable attendee(s).
  6. Field location for steps 15-16

  7. Click Add to List.
  8. Click Close.
  9. After all attendees have been found, they will appear under in the Attendees list. Check the box next to the applicable attendee(s).
    Note: Regardless of how attendees were added, they appear in the Attendees list.

    Field location for steps 18-19

  10. Click Save to add them to the report.

Steps 20-23 are optional. To create a group for this list of attendees to use in the future:

  1. Check the box next to each attendee name.

    Field location for steps 20-21

  2. Click Create Group.
  3. Enter a Group Name.

    Field location for steps 22-23

  4. Click Save.
    Note: When creating expense reports in the future, you can add attendees using the group name. This will list each individual from this group as attendees. You can also share this group with other U-M employees (instructions are provided in the Attendee Groups section of this procedure).
  5. Click Save.
  6. Field location for step 24

Add Attendees (10 or more)

To record a group of attendees (10 or more) without entering each attendee individually, add the group as a single attendee line item and then fax/attach the list of individuals as supporting documentation for the expense.
Note: Your name automatically appears in the attendee list. If applicable, delete yourself as an attendee.

  1. On the Attendees tab, click Create New Attendee.

    Field location for step 1

  2. Select Group from the Attendee Type drop-down list.

    Field location for steps 2-4

  3. Enter the Attendee Details:
    • Last Name (name of the group)
    • Affiliation (name of the university, organization, or business associated with the hosted event)
    • Group Description (business purpose for the hosted event)
  4. Click Create Attendee.
    Note: The group is saved in your Favorite Attendees list in your Expense Profile.
  5. Enter the number of attendees in the group in the Attendee Count field.

    Field location for steps 5-6

  6. Click Save.

View Attendees on an Expense Report

  1. In the Expense pane, click Attendees under an Expense Type.

    Field location for steps 1-3

  2. A pop-up will appear displaying the Attendee Total, Average Per Person, Attendee Type, Attendee Count, and Amount Per Type.
  3. To view a list of the attendees attached to this expense, click View Attendees.

Attach/Fax Attendee List

The Group Attendee Type value requires you to submit the list of attendees using the same functionality used to attach/fax a receipt to the expense report. For complete instructions, see Manage Receipts for a Concur Expense Report.

Manage Favorite Attendees

Using the Favorites tab is optional. Any attendees added in an expense report “on the fly” are automatically saved to your Favorites list. 

Deleting an attendee from the list associated with a particular hosting expense line does not delete the attendee from your Favorite Attendees pane in your Expense Profile.

To add a favorite attendee:

  1. Click Profile Settings.

    Field location for steps 1-2

  2. Click Favorite Attendees under Expense Settings.
  3. Click New Attendee.

    Field location for step 3

  4. Complete the fields in the Add Attendee pane.

    Field location for steps 4-5

  5. Click Save to save a single attendee,
    Click Save & Add Another to add additional attendees.

To delete a favorite attendee:

  1. Check the box for the attendee(s) you wish to delete.

    Field location for steps 6-7

  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Yes to confirm.

Attendee Groups

To add an Attendee Group:

  1. Under the Attendee Groups tab, click Add New.

    Field location for step 1

  2. Check the box for the attendee(s) you wish to add as a group.
    Note: Attendee Groups may also be created from the Attendees tab in the Create New Attendees pop-up box.

    Field location for steps 2-4

  3. Enter the group name in the Group Name field.
  4. Click Save Group.

To delete an Attendee Group:

  1. Under the Attendee Groups tab, click on the group you wish to delete.

    Field location for steps 1-2

  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Yes to confirm.

To send a copy of a group:

Note: You can send a copy of your group to another employee to use in their expense reports. The group (and all individual attendees within the group) is added to their Favorite Attendees list. Any updates made to the group will not be reflected in the other employee’s group list.

  1. Click Profile.

    Field location for steps 1-2

  2. Click Profile Settings.
  3. Click Favorite Attendees.

    Field location for step 3

  4. Click the Attendee Groups tab.

    Field location for steps 4-5

  5. Click the expand button next to the group name to see a list of attendees.
  6. Click the group name.

    Field location for steps 6-7

  7. Click Send Copy.
    Note: The Send Copy button is grayed out until the group name is selected.
  8. Enter the last name or uniqname of the individual you wish to send a copy of your group to in the Recipient field.
    Note: The group can only be sent to one recipient at a time.

    Field location for steps 8-10

  9. Select the employee from the drop-down list.
  10. Click Send.