Remote Worker

Remote Worker is a central data collection system in M-Pathways. It is designed to record hybrid and mobile/remote work agreement information.

Remote Worker was implemented to improve the employee experience for reporting modes of work and create efficiency while maintaining compliance for remote work agreements.


The process starting in September 2024:

  1. Employees and Supervisors discuss work arrangements. See Remote Employment Policies and Agreements for more information on the business policy.
  2. Employees enter agreed upon arrangements using the Remote Worker tile in Employee Self Service.
  3. A 2 step-approval process takes place:
    • The supervisor reviews the submitted work arrangement and either approves, denies or pushes back. The supervisor is the employee designated as the Supervisor ID in M-Pathways for the employee.
    • The second approver reviews the submitted work arrangement and either approves, denies or pushes back. The second approver is the employee designated as the Personnel Recipient in M-Pathways for the employee’s department. If one does not exist, the second approver is the department manager for the employee’s department.
      Note: Delegates can be assigned for both the designated supervisor and second approver.
  4. The Remote Worker agreements are complete once approved by both approvers.
process flow

Process Roles:

The Remote Work Process involves six roles, each with different responsibilities. Click on a role to review more information.

  • Employee


    Employee's have online instructions on the Remote Worker pages through Employee Self Service.

    Additional assistance is available for employees on the Help: Remote Worker page.

  • Supervisor


    Approves, denies, or pushes back the remote work agreement submitted by the employee.

    The Supervisor is designated by the employee who displays in the Supervisor ID field on the Job page in M-Pathways Human Resource Management System (HRMS).

    The Supervisor role is automatically assigned and removed as new supervisors get added or removed from an employee’s record on the Job page in M-Pathways HRMS. This field gets checked and security gets updated every evening.

    The Supervisor has the following abilities:

    1. Approve, Deny, Pushback
    2. Select a delegate
    3. Enter Remote Work Agreement on behalf of Employee
    4. Delete Remote Work Agreement
    5. Viewing Team Member’s Remote Work Agreement (for those that they are listed as a Supervisor ID for)

    Click Remote Worker: Supervisor for step-by-step instructions on the functions available for supervisors.

  • Second Approver

    Second Approver

    The second approver is the employee designated as the Personnel Recipient in M-Pathways for the employee’s department. If one does not exist, the second approver is the department manager for the employee’s department.

    The Second Approver role is automatically assigned and removed as personnel recipients or department managers get added or removed from the department in M-Pathways HRMS. This is processed every evening.

    The Second Approver has the following abilities:

    • Approve, Deny, Pushback
    • Select a delegate

    Click Remote Worker: Second Approver for step-by-step instructions on the functions available for second approvers.

  • Delegate



    The Delegate has the following abilities when processing a Delegation of Authority Request:

    • Approve or Deny

    Click Remote Worker: Delegate for step-by-step instructions on the functions available for delegates.

  • Reassign Approver


    The Creator or Approver(s) can request a Remote Work transaction be reassigned with a Transaction Status of Pending.

    Click Remote Worker: Reassign Approver for step-by-step instructions on how to reassign approvers.

  • Remote Worker Administrator


    Each unit identifies at least two employees to fill the Remote Worker Administrator role in M-Pathways HRMS. Role name: HR REMOTE WORKER ADMIN Request the role via OARS.

    The Remote Worker Administrator can:

    • Enter Remote Work Agreement on behalf of ANY employee
    • Delete ANY employee’s existing RWA in any status, but Pending status
    • View ANY employee’s RWA
    • Select a delegate on behalf of another approver

    Click Remote Worker Administrator for step-by-step instructions on the functions available for administrators.