Include Personal Car Mileage in a Concur Expense Report


Personal car mileage can be submitted for reimbursement when incurred for U-M business in one or two manners:

Concur calculates the mileage reimbursement amount based on the U-M mileage rate, the Transaction Date, and the Distance. The applicable U-M mileage rate for the transaction date displays at the bottom of the expense.

Step-by-Step Process

Single Trip

  1. Enter the date of the trip in the Transaction Date field.

    Field locations for steps 1-5

  2. Enter a specific business reason for taking the trip in the Purpose of the Trip field.
  3. Enter your starting location (building, landmark, or address) in the From Location field (e.g. Wolverine Tower, Detroit Metro Airport).
  4. Enter your destination in the To Location field.
  5. Click Mileage Calculator.
  6. The From and To locations appear by default. If applicable, change or add additional locations.
    Note: If your route differs from the route returned by the search (e.g., construction or detour), you can change the map.

    Field locations for steps 6-7

  7. Click Add Mileage to Expense.
  8. The total mileage traveled for the trip populates in the Distance field.
    Note: The Distance field only accepts whole numbers. If your unit requires an online map, as a “receipt,” fax/attach it to verify the distance.

    Field locations for steps 8-9

  9. Click Save Expense.

Monthly Mileage

  1. Enter the last date of the month in the Transaction Date field.

    Field locations for steps 1-6

  2. Enter a business reason for the recurrent travel in the Purpose of the Trip field.
  3. Enter the first date of the month (e.g. 11/1/2020) in the From Location field.
  4. Enter the last date of the month (e.g. 11/30/2020) in the To Location field.
  5. Enter the total mileage for the month in the Distance field.
    Note: The Distance field only accepts whole numbers. Fax/attach your monthly mileage log as a “receipt” itemizing the trips/mileage amounts included in this expense.
  6. Click Save Expense.