Manage Travel Allowance Itineraries for Concur Expense Reports


In some cases employees may need to edit or delete travel allowance itineraries created for expense reports. This is most commonly done because the employee receives an error message indicating they have an overlapping itinerary when trying to create a new itinerary or needs to edit an itinerary they created in advance.

Use the Travel Allowance drop-down list in an expense report to edit or delete.

Step-by-Step Process

Delete an Itinerary

  1. Click the applicable Itinerary Name.

    Field location for steps 1-2

  2. Click Delete.
    Note: You must click on the applicable Itinerary Name for the Delete button to display.
  3. Click Yes to confirm.
    Note: If you delete an itinerary currently assigned to an expense report that is not submitted or has been sent back for corrections, all fixed meal expense lines will be deleted from the expense report.

    Field location for step 3

  4. Click Done.

Edit an Itinerary

  1. Click the applicable Itinerary Name.

    Field location for steps 1-2

  2. Click Edit.
    Note: You must click on the applicable Itinerary Name for the Edit button to display.
  3. Click on the line of the itinerary you want to edit.

    Field location for steps 7-10

  4. Modify the appropriate Departure or Arrival data in the Edit Itinerary Stop pane.
    Note: If applicable, enter an Itinerary Stop. Many itinerary issues occur because only one leg of the trip has been entered.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Done.

Troubleshooting Tips

Itinerary search options

If you are unable to locate the itinerary you wish to delete or edit, alter your search parameters. 

Click the Current Itineraries drop-down list to display available itinerary search options. Select an option to view itineraries that meet the criteria.

Itinerary with lock icon

Itineraries with a lock icon cannot be deleted or edited. These itineraries have been assigned to expense reports that have been submitted and/or approved.