Delete Expenses, Delete an Expense Report, or Recall a Concur Expense Report


Concur allows you to:

Note: The system returns any imported PCard transactions to the Available Expenses pane, any booked trips to the My Trips pane on your Concur home page, and/or any receipts attached to a line to the Receipt Store when the line or the report is deleted. These transactions can then to be imported to a new expense report. If the transactions are out-of-pocket, they will be deleted and need to be re-entered into a new expense report.

Step-by-Step Process

Delete an Expense Line(s) within an Expense Report

Expense lines can be deleted when:

  • A report is being created.
  • A report has been returned for correction.
  • A report is recalled to correct it prior to unit approval.
  1. Check the box(es) next to the expense (line)s you wish to delete.
    • To delete all lines in a report, check the box next to the Alerts column heading.
    • Deleting all lines in a report is not the same as deleting the report because the Report Header is still active.

    Field location for steps 1-2

  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Delete from Report.

    Field location for step 3

Delete an Expense Report

An expense report that has not been submitted for approval can be deleted from within the expense report.

  1. Open the expense report.
  2. Click the trash can icon next to the report name.

    Field location for step 2

  3. Click Delete.

    Field location for step 3

Recall a Submitted Expense Report to Delete an Expense Line(s) or the Report

Reports submitted for approval cannot be deleted unless they are first recalled. A report can also be recalled to modify and re-submit it prior to unit approval.


  • Expense reports cannot be recalled after they reach a status of Processing Payment. Check the status of your expense report on the Concur home page.
  • Once expense reports are processed for payment, the only modifications that can be made to the report include attaching additional receipts or supporting documentation (for example, if you forgot a secondary approval on an expense report, attach or fax a signed hard-copy of the report to the expense report in Concur for tracking purposes).
  1. From the Concur home page, click the expense report you wish to recall.

    Field location for step 1

  2. Click Recall Report.

    Field location for step 2

  3. Click Yes to confirm.
    • An approver will no longer see this expense report in their Approval Queue.
    • Follow the instructions above to delete an expense line or the expense report.

    Field location for step 3