Determining Person’s Relation with U-M


This document explains the different methods of determining a person's relation(s) with U-M. The following three M-Pathways pages display relation information:

Relations with Institution Detail Page via Search/Match

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Campus Community > Personal Information > Search/Match

Perform a search/match to access the Relations with Institution Detail page. Refer to Execute Search/Match to Locate an Individual for more information.

Click the Additional Information tab, then click Relations With Institution for the applicable individual.

search/match - search results - additional information tab

The information provided on the Relations with Institution Detail page includes:

  • A Relationship List displaying the possible relationships an individual can have with U-M.
    • Values currently used: Student Applicant (A), Employee, Financial Aid (F), Prospect (P), Student (S), and Retiree.
    • Values not used: Alumni (L), Student Financials (I), Recruiter (RCR), Advisor (AVS), Instructor (IST), and Friend (FND).
  • All current relation(s) with institution for all of the relation values in use.
  • All relationships currently tracked in M-Pathways.

Example: Relations with Institution Detail page with current relations data for a student. Only the Student relation is checked.

relations with institution detail page

Biographical Data Page

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Campus Community > Personal Information > Add/Update a Person

Note: The relationship information detailed in this section can be viewed on any of the pages under the Biographical navigator option in M-Pathways.

The relationship information provided on the Biographical pages includes:

  • Limited information about a person’s relation(s) with institution
  • An indicator for Student, Employee, Retiree, Empl & Stdnt, Emp & Ret, or Emp & Stdn & Ret in the top section of the page. These indicators reflect whether the person has ever been a student, employee or retiree and does not necessarily reflect a current relation. For example, if a person was a student three years ago, it still displays Student in the top section. Similarly, if a person is a former employee and is now attending graduate school at U-M, it displays Empl & Stdnt.

Example: Biographical Data page with data for a current employee/current student.

biographical details page

Relations with Institution Page


  • NavBar > Navigator > Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Relationships > Relations with Institution
  • NavBar > Navigator > Student Admissions > Application Entry > Relationships > Relations with Institution
  • NavBar > Navigator > Student Admissions > Application Maintenance > Relationships > Relations with Institution
  • NavBar > Navigator > Student Recruiting > Maintain Prospects > Relationships > Relations with Institution

The information provided on the Relations with Institution page includes:

  • The most comprehensive information about a person’s relation(s) with institution. This page shows both current and former relations with U-M.
    • Current Relations: If a box in the Currently is A(n) column is checked, it indicates that the person’s relation with U-M is current.
    • Former Relations: If a box in the Has Been A(n) column is checked, it indicates that the person has an historical relation with U-M.
  • All relationships tracked in M-Pathways at this time.
    • Values currently used: Student Applicant, Employee, Financial Aid, Prospect, Student, Retiree
    • Values not used: Alumni, Student Financials, Recruiter, Advisor, Instructor, and Friend

Example: Relations with Institution page with data for a current employee who was formerly a student.

relations with institution page

Interpreting the Relation with Institution Checkboxes

Has Been A(n) is an individual who has a historical relation with U-M.

  • The box is checked when an individual’s relation begins (i.e., the Has Been A(n) box is checked when the Currently is A(n) box is checked).
  • When a person Has Been A(n) certain relation with U-M, and the Currently is A(n) box is not checked, it indicates a former or historical relation only (i.e., the person has had that relation in the past, but does not now).
  • After the Has Been A(n) box is checked, it is never turned off (i.e., once a person has an historical relation with U-M, s/he always has that relation with U-M in M-Pathways).

The following chart provides information about the Currently Is A(n) relationship:

Currently Is A(n) The checkbox is....
Student Applicant Checked when a student application record is created, and no process exists at this time to uncheck it
  • Checked at the time of hire
  • Unchecked when all jobs have been terminated
Financial Aid Checked when a person is admitted (program action of ADMT), and no process exists at this time to uncheck it
Prospect Checked when a student prospect record is created; no process currently exists to uncheck it
  • Checked via a batch process at the beginning of the semester in which a person registers for classes for the first time
  • Unchecked (after third week count) for students who are not registered for the current term
  • Checked when the status on the job is changed to Retired
  • Unchecked when a date of death is entered