Important Information
- This report is not an Official Transcript and cannot take the place of an Official Transcript.
- FERPA rules and regulations apply to the information in this report.
Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Transcripts > View Unofficial Transcript
Step-by-Step Process
- Click Add a New Value.
- Verify UMICH displays as the Institution.
- Select the applicable radio button for the Unofficial Transcript content to be included:
- Both Grad and Ugrad Info – Transcript includes both Graduate and Undergraduate content.
- Undergraduate Only – Transcript includes Undergraduate content only.
- Graduate Only – Transcript includes Graduate and Professional content only.
- Click the Unofficial Transcript Dtl tab.
- Enter the student's ID, then press Tab.
Notes:- If you do not have the student’s ID number, click the lookup icon next to the ID field to search for a student by National ID, Last Name, or Campus ID (uniqname).
- The student’s Primary Name, Transcript Name (if applicable), and Birthdate automatically populate.
- A Transcript Name is used only if the name to appear on the transcript is different than the Primary Name. (Ex: a student later becomes a UM Employee, and has married since graduating. The student wishes to keep maiden name on transcripts, but primary name is used on all other records).
- Click Process Request. The system runs the request and moves to the Unofficial Transcript Rpt page when the process is complete.
- View the Unofficial Transcript data on the Unofficial Transcript Rpt page. You may view the entire Unofficial Transcript using your Web browser’s scrollbar.
Notes:- The Operid Seq Nbr is assigned by the system when the Process Request is complete. This number defaults to the next sequential run number.
- To print the Unofficial Transcript report, go to File > Print on your Web browser’s menu bar.
- To view another student’s Unofficial Transcript, scroll to the bottom of the Unofficial Transcript Rpt page. Click Add and repeat steps 2-7.
Find an Existing Value Page Screenshot
Unofficial Transcript Hdr Page Screenshot
Unofficial Transcript Dtl Page Screenshot