View Term and Cumulative Statistics


NavBar > Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term History

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Enter the ID.
    • If the ID is unknown, enter the First Name and Last Name.
  2. Click Search.
    • If applicable, click the link for the appropriate student in the Search Results list.
  3. Review the Term Statistics page. Refer to the Term Statistics Page - Field Descriptions below for more information about the data on this page.
  4. Click Show Next Row Show Next Row icon, Show Previous Row Show Previous Row icon, or View All to view multiple Careers.
  5. Term Statistics page showing steps 4-6

  6. Click Show Next Row, Show Previous Row , or View All to view multiple terms within the same Career.
  7. Click the Cumulative Statistics page tab.
  8. Review the Cumulative Statistics page. Refer to the Cumulative Statistics Page - Field Descriptions below for more information.
  9. Click Show Next Row, Show Previous Row , or View All to view multiple Careers.
  10. Cumulative Statistics page showing steps 8-9

  11. Click Show Next Row, Show Previous Row , or View All to view multiple terms within the same Career.

Term Statistics Page - Field Descriptions

field locations on the Term Statistics page

Letter Field/Button Description
A Graded Units The number of graded enrollment units for the term.
B Grade Points The number of grade points for the units enrolled for the term.
The overall GPA for enrolled units for the term.
D Earned Units The number of units earned for the term.
E In Progress Units The number of units in progress from enrollment for the term. This includes classes that have not yet been graded and those that have been graded with a "Y" (for most Schools/Colleges).
F Units Taken Towards Acad Load The total In Progress Units for the term. This excludes audit units.
G Units Earned Towards Acad Load The total Earned Units for the term. This excludes audit units.
H Units Taken For Audit The number of units taken on an audit grading basis for the term.
Graded Units The number of graded transfer units for the term.
Grade Points The number of grade points earned for the term.
Note: This is equivalent to Michigan Honor Points (MHP) term total.
K Earned Units The number of transfer credit units earned for the term.
Graded Transfer Units GPA/No GPA
The total number of course transfer units earned for the term (Towards GPA + No GPA).
For Units Only Includes both test credit units accepted in the term and other credit units accepted in the term.
Units Adjustment The number of adjusted transfer credit units. This represents the number of units removed from the student's overall transfer credit units for the term.
Total Adjusted Transferred Units All adjusted transfer credits.(Course Credits + Test Credits + Other Credits - Units Adjustment).

For GPA/Not For GPA - The course grading basis determines whether the units count towards GPA or not (i.e., grading basis for P/F falls under the Not For GPA row and the grading basis for GRADED falls under For GPA).

Cumulative Statistics Page - Field Descriptions

field locations on the Cumulative Statistics page

Letter Field/Button Description
A Graded Units The cumulative number of graded enrollment units.
B Earned Units The cumulative number of earned enrollment units.
C In Progress Units
The cumulative number of units in progress for enrollment. This includes classes that have not yet been graded and those that have been graded with a "Y" (for most Schools/Colleges).
D Units Taken Towards Acad Load The cumulative number of graded units taken toward academic load. This is the cumulative total for the current and prior terms. This excludes audit units.
E Units Earned Towards Acad Load The cumulative number of earned units taken toward academic load for the current and prior terms. This excludes audit units.
F Units Taken For Audit The cumulative number of units taken in an audit grading basis (VI).
G Graded Units The cumulative number of graded transfer units.
H Earned Units The cumulative number of transfer credits earned.
Graded Transfer Units GPA/No GPA The cumulative number of total transfer units graded for academic progress (Towards GPA + No GPA). Excludes units taken on an audit-grading basis.
For Units Only Cumulative number of test credit units and other credit units accepted.
K Units Adjustment The number of adjusted transfer credit units. This represents the number of units removed from the student's overall transfer credit units for the term.
Note: This is not a cumulative number, even though it is on the Cumulative Statistics panel. There is no cumulative total for Units Adjustment. Transfer credit unit adjustments are term-specific, so this field displays exactly the same data as the Units Adjustment field on the Term Statistics page.
Total Adjusted Transferred Units All adjusted transfer credit units. (Graded Transfer Units GPA/No GPA + For Units Only – Unit Adjustment = Total Adjusted Transferred Units.)
Graded Units The cumulative number of graded units taken. This includes graded units taken from both enrollment and transfer Course Credit.
Grade Points The cumulative number of grade points earned (including transfer credit).
Note: This is equivalent to Michigan Honor Points (MHP) cumulative total.
GPA The overall cumulative GPA (including transfer credits).
Earned Units The cumulative number of units earned.
In Progress Units The cumulative number of units in progress.
Combined Earned Units GPA/No GPA Cumulative number of earned units (including Transfer Credits).
Transfer Credit For Units Only Cumulative number of transfer credit units and other credit units accepted.
Transfer Credit Units Adjustment The number of adjusted transfer credit units. This represents the number of units removed from the student’s overall transfer credit units for the term.
Note: This is not a cumulative number There is no cumulative total for Units Adjustment. Transfer credit unit adjustments are term specific.
Total Cumulative Units Total number of cumulative units.