Program Action | Notes | Program Action Reason | Access | Program Status | |||
Code | Short Description | Long Description | M-Pathways Error Messages and Notes Related to Action | Code | Description | Description | |
MATR | Matriculation | A student was Matriculated via the Admissions pages; student record has been created. | An Admissions Program Action; not a Student Records' Program Action. This Action creates the Student Record. Other Admissions Program Actions that may appear in the Student Program/Plan page include: APPL, RAPP, COND, ADMT, DDEF, WAIT, WAOF, RECN, PLNC, DATA, WADM. See Admissions' procedures. | Admitting Office | Active in Program | ||
ADRV | Admission Revocation | The incoming students' admission has been revoked prior to enrollment. | Used by Admitting Offices to revoke admission prior to initial enrollment. This Action will delete the Student Record and enable the Admissions' pages. Cannot use this Action after the students' term has been activated. See Process Program Action: Admission Revocation procedure. | Admitting Office | Cancelled | ||
ACTV | Activate | A student has an active Student Record in an Academic Program and is pursuing a degree. | Typically, records will be created via Admissions' matriculation process. To ACTV a student bypasses Admissions' processes. A Program Action of Activate is valid only if the student's Academic Program is set to Suspend, or to create a new student record. | Registrar’s Office | Active in Program | ||
RADM | Readmit | A student is readmitted into a Career/Program for which they already have a Student Record. | Typically, records will be created via Admissions' matriculation process. To RADM a student bypasses Admissions' processes. A Program Action of Readmitted is valid only if the student's Academic Program is set to Discontinued, Dismissed, Cancelled (Administrative Withdrawal), Completed, or Leave of Absence. | ONET | One Term Only Admit. Student may be admitted for one term only. | School/College | Active in Program |
RADM | Graduation | A student is readmitted into a Career/Program for the purpose of applying to graduation. | GRAD | Student admitted solely for the purpose of graduation. | School/College | Active in Program | |
RADM | Reinstate | A student who has been discontinued, suspended, put on a unit hold, or dismissed for disciplinary reasons and then reinstated. | REIN | Student reinstatement after discontinuation, dismissal, suspension, or unit hold. | School/College | Active in Program | |
REDN | Student reinstatement request has been denied. | ||||||
REDF | Student reinstatement request has been deferred. | ||||||
RADM | Returning | A student who has been out for two years and has an automatic discontinuation for no academic or judiciary reason. | RET | Student returning after automatic discontinuation. | School/College | Active in Program | |
LEAV | Leave of Absence | A student has been granted a Leave of Absence, usually for a specified period of time along with a plan for completion of studies. | A Program Action of Leave of Absence is valid only if the student's Academic Program is set to Active in Program. Only S/Cs that have a formal Leave of Absence policy should use this Program Action. | ACAD | Academic Reason | School/College | Leave of Absence |
DISC | Disciplinary | ||||||
EDUC | Educational Leave | ||||||
FAM | Family/Dependent Care | ||||||
FIN | Financial Reason | ||||||
MED | Medical Leave | ||||||
MILI | Military Leave | ||||||
PERS | Personal Reason | ||||||
PRG | Active in Other Program (Joint/Dual) | ||||||
USMF | USMLE / fail (Med School) | ||||||
USMD | USMLE / defer (Med School) | ||||||
VIST | Visitor Elsewhere | ||||||
RLOA | Return from Leave of Absence | A student has returned from their Leave Of Absence. | A Program Action of Return from Leave of Absence is valid only if a student's Academic Program is set to On Leave of Absence. | School/College | Active in Program | ||
WADM | Administrative Withdrawal | A student's record in a Program has been cancelled due to death. | No future Program Actions are allowed once the student's Program has been updated to Administrative Withdrawal due to death. See Descendent Procedures. | DEAT | Death | Registrar's Office | Deceased |
A student has been suspended or expelled for NON-ACADEMIC reasons from the Program which was active. | A Program Action of Admin Withdrawal is valid only if the student's Academic Program is set to Active in Program. The reason indicates the severity of the Withdrawal. Not eligible to enroll. No tuition refund. Note: Program Action shared w/Admissions, but has a different meaning. |
EXPL | Expelled | Registrar's Office | Cancelled | ||
SPND | Suspended | ||||||
COMP | Completion of Program | A student has completed all necessary requirements to fulfill the Program's degree requirements. | A Program Action of Completed is valid only if the student's Academic Program is set to Active in Program. This action creates the student degree data. | Registrar's Office | Completed Program | ||
REVK | Revoke Degree | A student received a degree from an Academic Program, but it was later determined that the student did not qualify for graduation. The degree has been revoked. | ERR | Administrative Error | Registrar's Office | Active in Program | |
PLAG | Plagiarism | ||||||
A Program Action of Revoke is valid only if the student's Academic Program Status is set to Completed. | |||||||
DISC | Discontinuation | This value has dual meanings: 1) A student has voluntarily decided not to pursue the Program; or 2) A unit has determined to discontinue the student from their Program (DISC/UNIT). |
A Program Action of Discontinued is valid only if the student's Academic Program Status is set to Active in Program. | ACAD | Student initiated: Academic Reasons | School/College | Discontinued |
DUAL | Student initiated: Pursuing MDP/MDDP instead (used to inactivate former program if std is really pursuing dual prg and already enrolled) | ||||||
EMPL | Student initiated: Employment Reasons | ||||||
FIN | Student initiated: Financial Reasons | ||||||
ITRN | Student initiated: (Internal) Transfer to Other UM Career (used to identified Re-Regstudents) |
MED | Student initiated: Medical Reasons | ||||||
ONET | Student initiated: One Term Only Admit | ||||||
PERS | Student initiated: Personal Reasons | ||||||
RGWD | Student initiated: Incoming student registered and withdrew prior to 1st day of classes. | ||||||
SYS | Batch process updated record; inactive for >12 consecutive months | ||||||
TRAN | Student initiated: Transfer to Other Institution | ||||||
UNIT | Unit initiated: Unit has determined to discontinue the student from the Program. | ||||||
SPND | Suspended | A student has been temporarily suspended from the Program due to an Academic or Academic Judiciary reason. | A Program Action of Suspend is valid only if the student's Academic Program Status is set to Active in Program, Leave of Absence, Dismissed, Discontinued, or Administrative Withdraw. Not eligible to enroll. | ACAD | Academic | School/College | Suspended |
AJUD | Academic Judiciary | ||||||
DISM | Dismissal | A student has been temporarily suspended from the Program due to an Academic or Academic Judiciary reason. | A Program Action of Dismissed is valid only if a student's Academic Program is set to Active in Program or Leave of Absence. Not eligible to enroll. | ACAD | Academic | School/College | Dismissed |
AJUD | Academic Judiciary | ||||||
DATA | Data change | Data relative to a Student's Program, Plan, Sub Plan or Career was changed. | A Program Action of Data Change is valid for any Academic Program Status. Note: Action also shared with Admissions. |
HOME | Undergraduate MDP/MDDP Home Program was updated. | School/College | Varies – Uses Program Status of previous Program Action row |
GRAD | Graduation related data (Anticipated Grad Date, Degree Checkout Status, Degree Honors) was updated. | ||||||
LOAD | Academic Load updated | ||||||
REQT | Requirement Term(s) updated | ||||||
PLNC | Plan Change | The Plan or Sub Plan to which a student is active was changed. | A Program Action of Plan Change is valid for any Academic Program Status. Note: Action also shared with Admissions. |
PLN | Plan Change | School/College | Varies – can be any Program Status |
SPLN | Sub Plan Change |