This page contains a list of training materials related to Space Survey data. Click a link below to view a particular resource.

Note: See Add Space Management Homepage in M-Pathways for details on personalizing your home page in the M-Pathways Financials and Physical Resources System.

Space Survey

Required Pages in the Space Survey Component

Demonstration Videos
Web pages

Optional Pages (that may be required by your department)

Survey Excel Interface

Using the Survey Excel Interface Process, you can export the M-Pathways space data (for rooms to which you have access) to the Survey Excel Template (spreadsheet) to review the data. With the Import role, you can also indicate changes within the spreadsheet and upload them back into M-Pathways. The full process can assist you in maintaining timely and accurate space survey data. There are three high-level steps to the Survey Excel Interface process (outlined in the links below).

Access Requirements: All Space Management system users (SM SURVEY USER role) can use the template to export their unit's room data for viewing purposes.

Because importing data into M-Pathways can significantly change survey data, you must acquire the SM SURVEY IMPORT USER role if you want to use the template to upload changes. Contact your Unit Liaison if you need assistance.

Additional Resources

Both the export and import steps require a Run Control ID. For information on how to create one, see the M-Pathways Run Control ID Information reference document.

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