Student Administration User Defaults


This document explains how to set user defaults for the Student Records, Recruiting and Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Financials, and SEVIS components in M-Pathways Student Administration. A user default is a value which automatically populates in certain M-Pathways fields. The user defaults setup page is based on Operator ID, meaning any default values entered are specific to a person. Setting user defaults is optional.

Benefits of User Defaults

  • Eliminate repetitive data entry for frequently used information
  • Allow for unique user needs because users set their own defaults
  • Can be enabled and disabled as often as necessary. Users must reset the values; they do not clear at the close of each M-Pathways session.
  • May be overwritten during data entry, if needed

Be Cautious When Using Defaults

Exercise caution when setting User Defaults. It is important to be familiar with the pages and fields used before setting defaults. Once User Defaults are defined, they always default into the identified fields until modified or reset. Users are responsible for preventing data entry errors, so use of User Defaults should not reduce attention to accurate data entry.

User Default Security

When selecting a default value for a field, you can only select values to which you have access.

Locating the Appropriate User Default Page

The user defaults component is divided into seven tabs, six of which are used by U-M (the Enrollment Override Defaults page is not used). The tables below detail where specific defaults are set. The Where to Set User Defaults section breaks down the user defaults by M-Pathways page. The User Default Descriptions section provides information on all fields on the six user defaults tabs.


NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > User Defaults

Where to Set User Defaults - by Page

The tables below show the fields specific to the specified M-Pathways page and the User Defaults tab on which that field default is set.

All Student Administration Modules

Academic Career User Defaults 1
Carry ID User Defaults 4
Output Destination User Defaults 4


Campus User Defaults 2
Subject Area User Defaults 1

Financial Aid

Academic Institution User Defaults 1
Academic Program User Defaults 1
Aid Year User Defaults 2
Business Unit User Defaults 2
Comm Key Communication Speed Keys
Department User Defaults 2
Institution Set User Defaults 2
SetID User Defaults 2
Term User Defaults 1

Recruiting & Admissions

Academic Group User Defaults 1
Academic Institution User Defaults 1
Academic Level User Defaults 3
Application Method User Defaults 3
Academic Program User Default 1
Academic Plan User Defaults 1
Academic Sub-Plan User Defaults 1
Admit Type User Defaults 2
Campus User Defaults 2
Career Group SetID User Defaults 1
Comm Key Communication Speed Keys
Department User Defaults 2
Financial Aid Interest User Defaults 3
Housing Interest User Defaults 3
Inquiry Indicator User 3C Group Summary
Last School Attended User Default 3
Recruiting Center User Default 2

SEVIS Functionality

School Code User Defaults 4
Program Number User Defaults 4

Student Financials

Academic Program User Defaults 1
Aid Year User Defaults 2
Business Unit User Defaults 2
Department User Defaults 2
Institution Set User Defaults 2
SetID User Defaults 2
Term User Defaults 1

Student Records

Academic Group User Defaults 1
Academic Institution User Defaults 1
Academic Program User Default 1
Academic Plan User Defaults 1
Academic Sub-Plan User Defaults 1
Advisement Report Type User Default 4
Career Group SetID User Defaults 1
Comm Key Communication Speed Keys
Graduation Date User Defaults 3
Term User Default 1
Transcript Type User Default 4

User Default Descriptions

The following table defines the fields on each of the six User Defaults tabs used by U-M and the M-Pathways module which uses the default.

The M-Pathways module abbreviations are:

  • RA = Recruiting and Admissions
  • SR = Student Records
  • CU = Curriculum
  • FA = Financial Aid
  • SF = Student Financials

User Defaults 1 Tab

Field Module(s) Purpose
Academic Institution FA, RA, SF, SR Name of institution. UMICH is the U-M default.
Career Group SetID RA, SR UMICH is the U-M default
Facility Group SetID CU UMICH is the U-M default
Academic Career All Code representing a school/college at U-M. (e.g., UENG = Undergraduate Engineering, ULSA = Undergraduate LSA, GRAC = Rackham)
Academic Group RA, SR Code representing a school or college, including Extension Services and Officer Education Programs.
Subject Area CU Area of study or academic interest of applicant.
Term FA, SR, SF Four-digit numerical code for the academic term.
Academic Program FA, RA, SR, SF Area to which an applicant is admitted and from which a student graduates.
Academic Plan FA, RA, SR, SF Concentration, major, field, or degree associated with the Academic Program.
Academic Sub-Plan FA, RA, SR, SF Further specialization within an Academic Plan

User Defaults 2 Tab

Field Module(s) Purpose
SetID FA, SF UMICH is the U-M default.
Aid Year FA, SF Used for financial aid processing. An Aid Year includes five academic terms - Fall, Winter, Spring, Spring/Summer and Summer - each identified by a 4-digit code. Setting the default is useful if processing several students for the same aid year.
Business Unit FA, SF UMICH is the U-M default.
Application Center RA U-M application center processing an application.
Recruiting Center RA U-M recruiting center processing a recruiting record.
Cashier's Office n/a Not used by U-M.
Department FA, SF, 3C's Six-digit field based on the legacy 4-digit organization code number. Defaults on 3C pages.
Admit Type RA Admit type helps distinguish first-year from transfer applications.
Campus CU, FA, RA U-M campus location - Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Flint, or Off Campus.
Institution Set FA, SR, SF UMICH is the U-M default.

User Defaults 3 Tab

Field Module(s) Purpose
Academic Level FA, RA Applicant's academic level, e.g., Freshman, Junior, or Not Set.
Application Method RA Method by which U-M receives an individual's application for admissions.
Last School Attended RA External Organization ID for the last school the applicant attended. Enter an ID if many applicants share the same previous school.
Graduation Date SR Applicant's graduation date of last school attended. Enter a date if many applicants have the same graduation date.
Housing Interest RA Type of housing the applicant desires.
Financial Aid Interest RA A check in the box indicates the student has authorized the release of admissions information for financial aid/scholarship consideration.

User Defaults 4 Tab

Field Module Purpose
Carry ID All Carry ID box is checked by default. This allows M-Pathways to remember the ID of the last individual or organization entered or selected from search to search box and page to page. Carry ID means you do not have to reenter or reselect the ID each time to continue editing or reviewing data for the same individual or organization.
Output Destination All The location generally used for printing transcripts.
Transcript Type N/A No longer used by U-M.
Flexible Transcript Type SR The type of transcripts most frequently used.
Advisement Report Type The type of advisement report most frequently generated.
School code SEVIS SEVIS-assigned school code for U-M. This is used with I-20 forms.
Program Number SEVIS SEVIS-assigned school code for U-M. This is used with DS-2019 forms.
Printer Name n/a Not used by U-M.

Communication Speed Keys Tab

Field Module Purpose
Academic Institution FA, SF, RA, SR Name of institution. UMICH is the U-M default.
Administrative Function FA, SF, RA, SR Identification used to group communications. Select the administrative function for which you want to assign default communication keys.
No Default FA, SF, RA, SR Check the box if you do not want to specify a default communication key for an administrative function.
Communication Key FA, SF, RA, SR Eight-character code comprised of the communication context (six characters) and Speed Key (two characters). After entering a value, the Category, Context, Method and other communication key values fields populate automatically.
Default Comm Key FA, SF, RA, SR Check the box to set the Communication Key as the default for the Administrative Function.
Print Comment FA, SF, RA, SR Check the box to set the Print Comment flag for communications using this Communication Key.
Activity Completed FA, SF, RA, SR Check the box to set the Activity Completed flag for communications using this Communication Key.
Unsuccessful Outcome FA, SF, RA, SR Check the box to set the Unsuccessful Outcome flag for communications using this Communication Key.
Comment FA, SF, RA, SR Standard comment text.

User 3C Groups Summary Tab

Field Module Purpose
Inquiry Indicator FA, RA You can see only those items associated with the 3C groups to which you have access (indicated by the inquiry and update checkboxes).

You can temporarily turn off view access to specific 3C groups. Uncheck the Inquiry Indicator box for those groups you do not want to view. If a checkmark displays in the Update Indicator, you can enter/edit data in the 3C group. You cannot change update access on this page.