CommGen Data Source Queries
Public queries are available to the Admissions community to provide additional data fields in CommGen communications. Any query can be added to a data source when specific communications require data elements not already available within the standard ADMP data set.
A Google spreadsheet listing detailed variable data for each query is available as a reference guide.
All queries are associated with the ADMP (Admissions Program) administrative function, except where noted.
This query contains Academic Plan and Academic Plan Description. This is used for communications which requires the use of Academic Plan information/description within a given communication. This query can be used with any administrative function and is not specific to ADMP.
This query contains Academic Subplan and Academic Subplan Description. This is used for communications which requires the use of Academic Subplan information/description within a given communication. This query can be used with any administrative function and is not specific to ADMP.
This is the Michigan-created ADMP base query which contains most standard admission fields that communications will utilize.
This query provides Current and Permanent mailing addresses. It can be used if a communication requires recipients to verify the addresses stored in M-Pathways.
This query contains Communication Category, Context and Letter Code. It is primarily used for advanced programming within communications.
This query contains Enrollment Deposit (EDR) information for a student and includes Due Date and Amount. This should be used for communications that need to display EDR information to students.
This query contains a student's UM email address and Campus ID (uniqname) and can be used in communications to display the information to students.
This query is primarily used by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and contains Academic Plan Code, Academic Plan Description, and Recruiter ID.
This query contains residency information for a student, and includes both the ‘Official’ and ‘Self-Reported’ residency statuses.
Note: When using this data source, the Max Nbr field must be 1.
This query contains information for Student Groups that an applicant belows to. This is used for communications in which inserting content specific to data related to one or more student groups is required. This query can be used with any administrative function and is not specific to ADMP.
This query contains Signer ID, Name, Title and email address. This is used for communications which require an individual Admission Officer’s information be provided to the student. This query can be used with any administrative function and is not specific to ADMP.
This query contains affiliation data by EmplID. This can be used in communications for data or programming when communication/language should be specific based on the affiliation status.