Complex Logic Option 2: Direct Entry


Complex logic can be added to a communication by typing If/End If statements directly into the template, rather than using the field browser. This method requires knowledge of BI Publisher logic and coding syntax, and is not recommended for those new to the CommGen process.

When typing the field names directly into the template, make sure you spell the field names exactly as listed in the field browser. If a field name is not spelled correctly or the syntax is not exact, the logic will not work. You must pay very close attention when typing your logic directly, and be sure to test thoroughly.

Example of an If/End If Statement:

<?If: fld_CHKLST_ITEM_CD = ‘AXSCS’?>Text that displays if the AXSCS checklist item exists for a student.<?End If?>

You also have the option to drag and drop a variable field into the text to display portion:

<?If: A.ACAD_CAREER = ‘UMUS’?>You have been admitted to G.PROGRAM_LONG_DESCR <?End If?>

Example of an If/Not If Statement:


Review the Logic and Formatting Cheat Sheet for more information and examples of coding that can be used in BI Publisher.