Marketsite+ Overview & Features


Marketsite+ is an online catalog ordering website accessed through the M-Pathways eProcurement (ePro) module. Marketsite+ orders are completed as ePro requisitions (reqs) and distributed as Purchase Orders (POs).

Supplier Catalog Information

There are two types of suppliers within Marketsite+: Hosted and Punch-out.

  • Hosted suppliers provide a catalog directly in Marketsite+.
  • Punch-out suppliers provide links to their catalog website. You can “punch out” to a specific supplier’s website, search for items from that supplier, and return the items to your Marketsite+ shopping cart.

When you search for items across multiple catalogs, the matching items display in the search results list. However, the action you take to add the item to your cart and continue the ordering process differs for punch-out suppliers. For some punch-out suppliers, only a link to their catalog will appear in the search results list when a match is identified.

Cart Information

There are two types of shopping carts available in Marketsite+: Active and Draft.

  • An active cart is used to place orders in Marketsite+. When you open Marketsite+, the system automatically begins an active cart. The items added to an active cart may be returned to eProcurement as ePro requisition lines.
  • A draft cart is a saved cart within Marketsite+. It can act as a template for subsequent Marketsite orders+. To save lines to a draft cart, you must also have an active cart available for ordering. You may have created your own draft cart, or you may have been assigned a draft cart by another Marketsite+ user or an Marketsite+ Browse Only user.

Marketsite+ Features

Marketsite+ provides multiple methods to navigate within the website, search for items to add to your shopping cart, and view your order. This procedure describes the pages that may be used to search for and select items, as well as review the accounting and delivery information for the order.

Review the entire document or click a link to go to a specific section:

Important Information

The first time you link to Marketsite+ from the eProcurement Requisition page, the My Profile page opens. Refer to Setting Up Your Marketsite+ User Profile for instructions on how to establish default values for the required ShortCode and Ship To address fields. For any subsequent use of Marketsite+, the Home page displays.

Home/Shop Page

Marketsite Home page

M-Pathways navigation
Provides navigation links to the M-Pathways Financial and Physical Resources business areas to which you have access to complete transactions and/or view information.
Marketsite+ is located within the Purchasing and Payments homepage > Create Requisition tile.
Marketsite+ menu bar
Displays menu options grouped together by related tasks (e.g., shopping tasks) and links to M-marketsite pages.
Marketsite+ banner

Contains the following links:

  • Quick Search drop-down list and data field – provides an alternate search method by the selected criteria and a value entered in the corresponding data field (e.g., PO No. and an M-Pathways PO number in the data field opens the
    Marketsite+ PO History page to show the order data for that PO).
  • Cart – provides a quick view of your active cart and option to go straight to checkout.
  • Bookmarks – provides easy access to frequently performed tasks.
  • Action Items – provides links to carts assigned to you.
  • Notifications – provides a link to view items that require your attention. Notification preferences can be setup in My Profile > User Information and Settings > Email Preferences.
  • User – a drop-down menu that provides access to your Marketsite+ user profile, dashboard, and recent orders.
Search field
Search the Hosted Catalog by entering various types of keywords (e.g. product description, supplier, Part No., etc.).
You can optionally select a category from the drop-down list in addition to entering a value in the field. Click to execute the search.
Shortcuts / Browse links

The following Shortcuts or Browse links search the Hosted Catalog:

  • Advanced Search contains options for searching using more specific criteria.
  • Favorites – allows you to add items to your cart that you have previously saved as Favorites.
  • Quick Order – allows you to add items to your cart by entering a Part No. (SKU).
  • Suppliers – displays a list of all hosted and punch-out catalog suppliers.
  • Categories – displays a list of categories for items from hosted suppliers.
  • Contracts – opens an the Search Contracts - Advanced search page.
Hosted Catalog List
The Hosted Catalog suppliers available to search directly within Marketsite+.
Showcases (Supplier Catalogs)

Supplier Catalogs are grouped by commodity and include both Hosted Catalogs and Punch-out Catalogs.

  • Hosted Catalog - Clicking a Hosted Catalog supplier button allows you to search one particular hosted supplier, using a pop-up search box. This box also contains links to Supplier and University Contract information.
  • Punch-out Catalog - Clicking a Punch-out Catalog supplier button opens the supplier's website. From there, you can search for items within their catalog.
    Each Punch-out supplier’s website has its own look and feel. Expect differences in navigation and labeling between the websites. When you checkout your cart in the supplier’s website, you return to Marketsite+ to review the order and submit the lines to ePro.
Marketsite+ Message group box
Provides information about Marketsite+ and resources for help, including: links to supplier information, system message (e.g., outages, etc.), links to review carts and Marketsite+ order history, ITS Service Center contact information.

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Search Methods (primarily) for Hosted Catalog Suppliers

The Marketsite+ Home/Shop page offers multiple alternative search methods. The most commonly used search method is the Shop field at the top of the page. Following are some other search methods. Each search method displays the results in a Search Results list.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search

Click the advanced search link to apply multiple conditions to your item search (e.g., exclude a word from a search). The options in this window vary depending on the category (e.g., lab supplies) selected.

Browse by Suppliers

browse by suppliers

Click the Browse by Suppliers link to open a table that lists all the Marketsite+ suppliers.

Click Punch-out Suppliers punchout icon  next to a punch-out supplier’s name to go to that supplier’s website and search for products.

Click Hosted Catalog Suppliers book icon  or the hosted supplier’s name to open the expandable search tools page.

Browse by Category

browse by category

Click the Browse by Categories link to display the item categories for the hosted products available through Marketsite+.

Click the plus sign next to a category to drill down to the product type.

Click the view link next to the type of product (e.g., books) to open the Search Results list to view and select the desired item(s).

Quick Order

quick order

Click the Quick Order link from the Home/Shop page to add items to your active cart by entering the Part Number (SKU).

Select a specific category (e.g., Office/Computer) from the Category column to limit the search or accept the default value of All to search across the various categories.

Click Add to Active Cart to place the item in your cart.

An Add to Cart Confirmation group box appears when the item(s) have been successfully added to the cart (not shown). This group box lists details of each item added to the cart.

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Search Results List

Search results list

Search Results list
List containing items from suppliers that match your search criteria. Use the list information (Supplier, Product Description, Price, etc.) to select the item to order.
Filter Results
Use these group boxes to further refine the search results list. Check a box(es) to limit the results to a specific option (e.g., By Supplier, By Manufacturer, etc.). Click Show all to remove a filter.
Search Results Viewing Options

Contains the following information:

  • Sort search results by specific criteria using the drop-down list. sortby
  • Click grid view icon to view search results in a grid view. Click list view icon to view search results in a list view.
Add to Cart button / Order from Supplier link (not shown)
  • Click Add to Cart to add an item from a hosted supplier to your cart. After you click it, a Success message appears for the item. Click this link to view your active cart.
  • Click Order from Supplier to go to a punch-out supplier’s website via M-Pathways and follow that supplier’s directions to add the item to your cart.
Add Favorite / Compare
These appear for each item in the search results list.
  • Add Favorite icon – places selected item (and the desired quantity) in an Marketsite+ My Favorites folder of your choosing. This folder can be used to facilitate subsequent orders.
  • Compare – click this link for two or more two or more selected items. After you have chosen all items to compare, click the Compare button at the top of the search results.

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After you’ve added items to your cart in Marketsite+, you have the ability to edit and review the lines prior to submitting the order to eProcurement to create the requisition. The Edit Cart and Review pages offer similar functionality, but each uses a different format.

Shopping Cart Page

Shopping cart page

Name this cart
Defaults to today’s date and your uniqname. If desired, you can overwrite the default value with a cart name that makes sense to you.
printer icon
Click to print a summary of details regarding the cart. This feature is useful for browse-only users, as they do not have the system access to place an order. The printed Review page acts as a detailed shopping list that can be handed to the person in the unit who places Marketsite+ orders.
A printed copy of the Marketsite+ Edit or Review page is not a substitute for the official ePro req for the order.
Proceed to Checkout
On the Shopping Cart page, click this button to advance to the final review of the cart.
Perform an Action menu menu arrow icon

You must first check the box(es) next to the price for one or more line items in your cart before using this drop-down list. The options in the list are as follows.

  • Move to Another Cart – places the selected item(s) and the line item details (e.g., Ship To values, ShortCode) in a new draft cart. The new draft cart becomes the active cart.
  • Add to Draft Cart or Pending PR/PO – places the selected item(s) and the line item details (e.g., Ship To values, ShortCode) in a new draft cart. The new draft cart becomes the active cart.
  • Add to Favorites – places the selected item(s) in your Marketsite+ Favorites folder.
  • Remove Selected Items – deletes the selected lines from the cart.
This field exists for each line item in your cart. Overwrite the existing number to change the quantity to order.
More Actions more actions icon

A separate button is present for each line item. Use the Line Item History link to open a window that displays the uniqnames of those who have ordered the selected item(s) within the last 120 days. The dates and quantities for each order are also shown.

  • Remove
  • Line Item History
  • Add to Favorites
  • Move to Another Cart
  • Add to Draft Cart of Pending PR/PO

Review Page

review page

Codes Section
Shortcode - A Shortcode is a six-digit number that indicates how your unit or project/grant is accounting for the item. It represents a portion of a ChartField combination used for the ePro req. Marketsite+ requires a Shortcode to place the order. In the Marketsite+ order, one Shortcode applies to all the lines.

Dept Ref # - A department reference number is an internal tracking code for your unit or project/grant. The value you enter in this field appears on the ePro req and PO voucher.
  • On the Edit Cart page, click Select from profile values to choose a different Shortcode or Dept Ref # from the drop-down list or enter a value in the field. Values available in the drop-down lists are stored in your Marketsite user profile+.
  • On the Review page, click edit in the Codes group box. A pop-up window displays which allows you to enter a new Shortcode and Dept Ref # value or select a stored value from the applicable drop-down field.
Ship To group box
On the Shopping Cart page, click edit to open the Edit current shipping address page where you can work with Ship To addresses.
Edit current shipping address page
On the Edit current shipping address page, you have one of three options:
  • Edit current shipping address: Keep the current address and modify the Attention to, Email, and Phone Number as needed. Check the Save this address for future use to if you would like to save this modified address for future use.
    • You will be asked to name this address and specify if you would like to make this the default address in the future.
    • The Attention to field format is <<RM # Name>> of the person receiving the delivery.
  • Or choose from your addresses: Choose one of the addresses that is attached to your Marketsite+ profile by clicking Use.
  • Or select a new address: Search by Location Code and/or Address Name (Building Code) from the list of org addresses in Marketsite+. Partial values may be used with an asterisk (e.g., medical*) to conduct the search.
The selected Location Code updates the Address Details field in the Ship To section of the Final Review page.
edit shipping adddress
Return Lines to ePro
If you have the ability to complete orders in Marketsite+, click the Return Lines to ePro button after you have verified that all the information on the page is correct. Clicking this button returns the lines to ePro in M-Pathways, so that an ePro req is created.
Assign Cart
Click the Assign Cart button to assign your cart to another Marketsite+ user. That user will review your cart and either return the cart for editing or complete the Marketsite+ order for you. Both browse only users and Marketsite+ users have the option to assign a cart to another user with the appropriate security role.

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Cart Management Page - Draft Carts

The Draft Carts tab displays all the carts that you created. You can use this page to create an additional cart, select a draft cart to complete the order, or delete a saved cart.

Draft carts page

Create Cart
Opens a new active cart at the Edit Cart page. This allows you to do the following before adding lines to the cart:
  • Name your cart
  • Add or change the Shortcode and Dept Ref # values
Drafts Carts tab
Displays any draft carts you have created. Carts that have been returned by the Assignee will appear with the Returned Cart returned cart icon.
Cart Number
Shows the status of the cart. If active cart displays next the cart number, it is the active cart. Other carts in the list are draft carts. Use the Action column to select the active cart.
Note: The cart in the Marketsite+ banner displays the active cart.
Shopping Cart Name
Click the name of a cart to open it as your active cart. The link opens the Edit Cart page.
Note: For assigned carts, the cart name reflects who created the cart unless it was overwritten by the assigner.
Click the drop-down arrow to view, activate, or delete the cart.

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Cart Management Page - Assigned Carts

The Assigned Carts tab displays any carts that were assigned to you. You can use this page to assign a substitute.

Assigned carts page

Assigned Carts tab
Displays any draft carts assigned to you by another user or Marketsite+ Browse Only user.
Assign Substitute
If you know you will be out of the office for a period of time, click this link to specify a substitute assignee who will process draft carts that are assigned to you. The individual who assigns a cart to you during this time period is notified that the cart has been routed to a substitute.
  • The substitute must also be an ePro user.
  • When you return to the office, end the substitution by clicking the End Substitution link that displays on the page (not shown).


Items can be added as favorites from the Search Results list or the Supplier/Line Item Details group box in the active cart’s Edit or Review pages. Your Favorites folders are accessible from the Shop menu.

Use the Favorites page to view your favorites, and the folder in which you chose to store them. From a folder list, you can view product details, change the item quantity for the favorite item, and add selected items to your active cart.

Favorites Page

Shopping cart drafts page

Add New and Folder Actions
Use these drop-downs to organize and manage your Favorites folders and the items stored in them.
  • Add New – Select top Level personal folder to create a new folder within Personal. Or, with a folder highlighted, select Subfolder of selected folder.
  • Edit – With a folder highlighted, click Edit to change the name of it.
  • Delete – With a folder highlighted, click Delete to remove the folder and its contents.
Display items that are no longer available
Check the Display items that are no longer available box for a Favorites folder if you wish to view items that are marked for deletion, disabled, inactive, etc.
Actions for Selected Favorites
Each Favorites folder displays an Actions for Selected Favorites drop-down. The options apply to those favorite items in which you checked the Select box:
  • Add to Cart – Add the favorite item to your active or draft cart.
  • Edit – Edit the item nickname, quantity, or description.
  • Move/Copy – Move or copy the favorite to a different favorites folder.
  • Delete – Delete the item from your favorites

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