Navigate Between Multiple Employee Records/PAR (Personnel Action Request) Transactions


This document explains the steps for navigating between multiple employee records/PAR (Personnel Action Request) transactions in the M-Pathways Human Resource Management System.


This step-by-step procedure begins on the PAR Details Page within an existing PAR transaction.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Verify that you are making changes to the correct Employment Record(s).
  2. Field/link locations for steps 1-4

    Note: Start with the first Employment Record displayed (i.e., Employment Record #0).

  3. If included, complete Job Data changes first (i.e., Comp Rate Change).
  4. If applicable, click the next transaction type link (i.e., DBE)
  5. Notes:

    • Click the PAR Details link to return to the PAR Details page once you have completed the transaction type.
    • Repeat step 3 as necessary for all additional transaction types (i.e., Additional Pay).

  6. If applicable, click the right arrow to navigate to the next Employment Record.
  7. Notes:

    • Repeat steps 1-4 for all additional Employment Records.
    • It is recommended that you click Validate Page Entry at the bottom of the page after completing a transaction type for all applicable Employee Records. Clicking the Validate Page Entry button checks that the data entry is correct before moving on to the next transaction type.

  8. Complete the PAR:


This concludes the steps for navigating between multiple employee records/PAR (Personnel Action Request) transactions. If you would like to begin a new transaction or get more information about an individual transaction type, see the Create a PAR step-by-step procedure.