PAR: Process Faculty Leave of Absence


There are 2 parts to creating a PAR (Personnel Action Request):

Part 1: Create a PAR: The first steps that all PAR transactions begin with.

Part 2: Individual PAR Transaction Type: Steps vary by the type of PAR transaction being created.

This procedure is Part 2. It outlines the steps for completing a PAR: Process Faculty Leave of Absence.

If you are making changes to multiple employee records or PAR transactions, see the Navigate Between Multiple Employee Records/PAR (Personnel Action Request) Transactions step-by-step procedure for more information.

Important Information

  • To process a faculty leave of absence, you must fill out a Faculty Leave of Absence Request Form, save it as a PDF, and attach it as a Supporting Document to the PAR transaction.
  • Faculty Leave of Absence transactions will automatically route to the SSC HR approval group and the PDF will be used to manually enter the leave into the system.


This step-by-step procedure begins on the PAR Details Page within an existing PAR transaction.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. If applicable, enter changes to fields in the After section.
  2. Field locations for steps 1-2

  3. If applicable, enter Comments.
  4. Complete the PAR:


This concludes the steps for completing a PAR: Process Faculty Leave of Absence. If you would like to begin a new transaction, see the Create a PAR step-by-step procedure.