New Time & Labor WorkCenter


The WorkCenter makes it easier to navigate to all Time & Labor transactions by providing a persistent left-sidebar menu. A link to the WorkCenter appears on the home page for all Time & Labor users. This demonstration of the WorkCenter provides a basic walkthrough without text.

Time and Labor WorkCenter screenshot

Using the WorkCenter

Primary Time Approvers can quickly navigate to the timesheet of their direct reports using the Approve Reported Time link in the My Work section. It also displays the number of people needing their time approved in parenthesis. This number is decremented in real time as each timesheet is approved.

Time and Labor WorkCenter screenshot

The Reports/Processes tab at the top of the WorkCenter provides quick access to related reports. Additionally, related Time & Labor navigation links are listed below the My Work section on the left.

When using the WorkCenter links, you may need to complete searches for the pages:

  • Typically, Static and Dynamic Groups should be used to search as they were before the upgrade.
  • Additionally, Supervisor ID is a useful search value, provided you know the UM ID/Employee ID of the Primary Time Approver.