Indirect Cost Recovery Excluded (ICRX) Expenditures by Fund


The Financial Operations Cost Reimbursement Office uses the Class ChartField to identify transactions eligible for the Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) calculation. This calculation allows the University to recover a percentage of the indirect cost related to sponsored activity. Examples include: utilities, libraries, and departmental administration.

There are certain legitimate activities and expenses, common to the University, that can’t be included in the ICR calculation. These are the Indirect Cost Recovery Excluded (ICRX) Expenditures. In ChartField combinations this type of expense is identified using a Class value that ends in an “X” (e.g., 1100X).

The Policy on Indirect Cost Recovery Excluded (ICRX) Expenditures provides definitions, regulations, and examples for using Class values ending in “x” for each of the expense areas (See Appendix A). The policy lists the ICR excluded expenditure activities for which you may use an ICRX Class value in the ChartField combination, depending on the transaction situation and the Fund used.

Other Helpful Information

Funds 20000, 25000, 50000 – 56500, and 70000 – 79999 require a Class value in the ChartField combination for expense transactions, but do not use ICRX Class values. 

  • ICRX expense activities cannot be charged to the Funds 50000 – 56500 (Auxiliary) and 70000 – 79999 (Endowment).
  • ICRX expense activities can be charged to Funds 20000 or 25000 (Sponsored Federal or Sponsored non-Federal) if a sponsor approves the expense. Approved ICRX expenses in these Funds always use a numeric Class value (e.g., 22000)

Related Links

Not all expense transactions in these areas require an ICRX Class value in the ChartField combination. The following resources can help you make that determination:

  • The Cost Reimbursement page on the Financial Operations website, includes additional information about Indirect Cost Recovery, including current reimbursement rates and contact information. Cost Reimbursement personnel can answer questions about Class usage in your expense transactions.