Service Indicators


Service Indicators (SIs) are three-character codes associated with specific data in M-Pathways used to either record information about a person’s status or to withhold specific services from the person. Most SIs typically are assigned to students for a variety of reasons, one may be assigned to Rackham applicants, and some are required for international students/exchange visitors (visiting scholars) and their dependents. There are two types of service indicators. Different administrative offices use the two types of SIs for the following purposes:

  • Informational: These SIs record information about an individual’s status for administrative offices. Informational SIs do not impact the system transactions available to a student in Wolverine Access, but they may require a student to take action (e.g., check in with an office). Informational SIs may be categorized as positive or negative.
    • Positive – represented by the star icon
    • Negative – represented by the no icon
  • System Impact: These SIs restrict/suspend an individual’s transaction processing. The SIs that impact individuals are categorized as Negative, and are represented by the no icon . Depending on the specific SI, the possible impacts are to:
    • prevent a student from performing select actions (i.e., all enrollment activity, initial enrollment activity and receiving official transcripts)
    • suspend specific transactions from being processed for the individual in M-Pathways (i.e., suspension of: account statements, application processing, group posting of financial transactions, or refund posting)


Click the following links below to go to that section:

  1. Service Indicator Process
  2. Service Indicator Codes and Descriptions
  3. Viewing Service Indicators – M-Pathways Operational Users
  4. Viewing Service Indicators – Students Using Wolverine Access
  5. Related Documentation

I. Service Indicator Process


A variety of people have access to either administer or view Service Indicator (SI) data:

  • Authorized M-Pathways users in administrative offices attach and release SIs for different business reasons.
  • A large number of M-Pathways users have access to view data about the active SIs assigned to students (detailed in section III). For detailed instructions on viewing active SIs, refer to View Active Service Indicators.
  • Students may use Wolverine Access to view the SIs assigned to them that have impact, as well as select informational SIs.

Whether assigning, releasing, or viewing SIs, it is important to note that SIs are not effective-dated. SIs are active-dated, which means that an SI only displays on a student’s record while the SI is active. Also, the associated impact or information is in effect only while the SI is actively assigned to the student. Data about an SI that has been released (inactivated) from a student is available for viewing in M-Pathways on the Service Indicator Audits page, as described in Service Indicator Audits.

Assignment and Release Process

SIs may be assigned to and released from students either automatically (batch) or by manual intervention:

  • Most SI instances automatically are assigned to students via nightly batch processes, which are processes that execute tasks in M-Pathways according to a regular schedule. These processes assign and/or release SIs for a variety of reasons determined from each student’s data in M-Pathways.
    • An example of a nightly batch process that assigns and releases a Service Indicator (SI) is the Credit History process (SFCREHST). This process attaches the SI code of SFH (Student Financial Hold) with the Reason of Student Account Past Due to students whose past due student account balances each exceed $300.00. The same batch process automatically releases this specific SI/Reason when the student no longer has the past due balance.
  • Authorized M-Pathways users may assign and release individual SIs based on the business process and policy of their administrative office. They use the Manage Service Indicators page to manually attach and release only the SIs setup for their office’s business needs. Additionally:
    • An SI should only be manually released by the office(s) that administers it.
      Note: If you release a Student Financials SI (those that begin with SF) in error, do not attempt to re-attach it to the individual. Instead contact a supervisor from the Cashier’s Office or Student Financial Services* to resolve the error. * Formerly known as Student Financial Operations (SFO)
    • For the detailed steps that administrative offices should follow when attaching and releasing SIs, refer to Manually Attach and Release Service Indicators.

II. Service Indicator Codes and Descriptions

The following tables provide a comprehensive list of the SI codes along with some of their system values and business process information. If the Batch process is N/A (not applicable), it only can be assigned/released for an individual manually.

Negative Service Indicators – System Impact

Code Description Impact Administrative Office(s) Batch Process
ACS Admission Conduct Stop The university has determined that this individual has been found inadmissible for reasons of conduct. Questions should be directed to the Applicant Conduct Advisory Committee, Office of the Provost. Prevents the individual from enrolling or performing drop/adds. Office of the Provost N/A
APP Application Fee Due Prevents the student from initial class enrollment activities.
Note: The student may still add/drop classes and request official transcripts.
Admitting Offices MRA04708
BLL Suppress Bill for Student Prevents the account statement from being produced for the student. Student Financial Services (SFS) N/A
EUL Prevent eUloan Service is impacted (no system impact). Presence of this code results in the prevention of a student from receiving an eUloan. Office of Financial Aid N/A
EWP Emergency Withdrawal Prevents the student from performing any class enrollment actions. Student Affairs N/A
FTA Final Term Attestation for SA (student athletes) Prevents student athletes with Final Term Attestation from dropping classes. Office of the Registrar N/A
FTR Final High School Transcript Requested Prevents the student from initial class enrollment activities.
Note: The student may still add/drop classes and request official transcripts.
Office of the Registrar N/A
HR1 Health Requirement 1 Prevents the student from performing class enrollment.
Note: For details, see International Mandatory TB Screening or email
Office of the Registrar N/A
NGP Suppress Group Post for Student Suspends group post transactions to the student’s account. Student Financial Services (SFS)
OTR Official Transcript Required Prevents the student from initial class enrollment activities.
Note: The student may still add/drop classes and request official transcripts.
Ross School of Business Admissions Office N/A
REF Refund Review Required Prevents refunds from posting to the student’s account. Student Financial Services (SFS) N/A
SCR Judicial Prevents the student from performing any class enrollment actions. Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR) N/A
SFC Student Financial Collections Prevents the student from initial class enrollment activities and from receiving official transcripts.
Note: The student may still add/drop classes.
Student Loans and Collections Office N/A
SFH Student Financial Hold Prevents the student from initial class enrollment activities and from receiving official transcripts.
Note: The student may still add/drop classes.
SFS, Cashier’s, Accounts Receivable, Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library, University Health Services, IT Communications, and Student Loans and Collections SFCREHST, MSF00156, MSF03497
SFR Student Financial Rackham Prevents application processing for an applicant. Rackham N/A

Negative Service Indicators – Informational

Code Description Impact Administrative Office(s) Batch Process
SVC SEVIS Change of Status Pending
Note: SEVIS is the Student Exchange Visitor Information System.
The student’s visa status is changing (e.g., F visa is changing to a B visa or vice-versa).
Note: This SI is informational but it prevents a student from receiving an eULoan.
International Center N/A
SVN SEVIS Check-in Required. The student is reportable to the Department of Homeland Security based on I 20 or DS 2019 data, but has not completed a mandatory check-in at the International Center.
Note: This SI is informational but it prevents a student from receiving an eULoan.
International Center MCC03584

Positive Service Indicators – Informational

Code Description Impact Administrative Office(s) Batch Process
APR Application Review Application is in the review application folder. Undergraduate Admissions N/A
FAP Financial Aid Custodial Review The student is in custodial review by the Office of Financial Aid (OFA). OFA N/A
FIN FIN OPS Special People The student is tracked on the FIN Personal Data tables. Financial Operations N/A
SFL Late Fee Exclusion for eUloan Prevents posting of Student Financial late fees for an eLoan on the student’s account Student Financial Services (SFS) N/A
SVD SEVIS Dependant ID
Note: SEVIS is the Student Exchange Visitor Information System.
The individual is a dependent of a student with a primary SEVIS ID (SVP). International Center N/A
SVP SEVIS Primary ID The student is reportable to the Department of Homeland Security based on I 20 or DS 2019 data. International Center MCC03584

III. Viewing Service Indicators – M-Pathways Operational Users

There are two options for viewing the active Service Indicators (SIs) assigned to an individual. The same SI data fields are provided with each option.

  1. Service Indicator Icons - no and star : When an active SI is assigned to an individual, the associated SI icon is available at the top of multiple M-Pathways pages (e.g., Biographical Data, Account Summary). This is a convenient method to review SI data as needed because an SI icon is available only when an active SI is assigned to the individual.

    Biographical Details page

    Field/Button Description
    No and Star SI Icons Clicking the applicable SI icon opens the Manage Service Indicators page with data about either the Positive or Negative SIs. Within the summary information, the Detail link may be clicked to view detailed information.
  2. Active Service Indicators Component: The Manage Service Indicators page (below) and View Service Indicator page (next page) in this component display the same summary and detailed information as the Positive or Negative Service Indicators pages opened with SI icons (previous page). There may be one or more navigation paths for accessing this component based on your security access.

    Manage Service Indicators page

    Field/Button Description
    Display: Effect drop-down list Used to display all SIs, Positive SIs only, or Negative SIs only.
    Code Click the SI code to open the View Service Indicator page for that SI.

    View Service Indicator page

    Field/Button Description
    Institution Displays UMICH University of Michigan for all SIs.
    Service Indicator Code Displays the 3-character Service Indicator (SI) code and its short description.
    Reason Displays the code and short description of the specific reason the SI was assigned to the individual. There is more than one reason for some SIs.
    Description Displays the description of the SI.
    Effect Displays whether the SI is negative or positive.
    Effective Period section Displays the term range and dates for when the SI applies.
    • When the SI is placed by a batch process, 0000 displays in the Start Term field.
    • End Term and End Date are not used to determine when an SI should be removed. The SI remains until the student satisfies the reason for attaching the SI (i.e., student pays library fine or amount past due).
    Department Identifies the office that attached the SI, either manually or via batch process.
    Reference May display additional information entered by the department.
    Amount Displays the amount associated with the SI, if any.
    Contact ID/ Contact Person N/A
    Placed Person ID/Placed By For manually assigned SIs, displays the name and ID of the user who assigned it.
    Placed Method If the SI was attached by a batch process, displays Background. If the SI was attached manually, displays Manual.
    Placed Process /Release Process If the SI was attached by a batch process, displays the processes’ technical name. Since inactive SIs are not viewable, the Release Process Name is always blank.
    Comments Optional comments entered when the service indicator was created.
    Services Impacted section Displays the services which are impacted by the SI, including code, description, and if the impact is based on date or terms.
    Service Indicator Date Time Displays the actual date and time when the SI was assigned.
    User ID Displays the USER’S uniqname and name or batch process that assigned the SI.

IV. Viewing Service Indicators – Students Using Wolverine Access

Students can view information in Wolverine Access about the Service Indicators (SIs) assigned to them that have System Impact, as well as select Informational SIs that are viewable. Students can access this page by clicking Details in the Holds section of the Student Center. Individual SIs can be viewed by clicking on the link in the Hold Item field of the Your Holds page.

Your Holds Page

Your Holds page

Field/Button Description
Hold Item Displays the SI description as a link to the Hold Item page (example above).
Amount Displays the amount associated with the SI, if any.
Impact Description Describes the services restricted to the student.
Institution Displays University of Michigan for all SIs.
Start Term, End Term, Start Date, End Date Displays the term range and dates for when the SI applies.
  • When the SI is placed by a batch process, 0000 displays in the Start Term field.
  • End Term and End Date are not used to determine when an SI should be removed. The SI remains until the student satisfies the reason for attaching the SI (i.e., student pays library fine or amount past due).
Department Identifies the administrative office that assigned the SI.

Hold Item Details Page

Holds Item Details page

Field/Button Description
Instructions Displays instructions the student should follow to resolve the SI.

Related Documentation

The following documents are available in My LINC: