GSA Reports is an online report package for reporting on Graduate Student Assistant (GSA) data in M-Pathways. This report package is designed to support the operational needs of student services staff who work with and assist GSAs, and to enable administrators to comprehensively report on their department’s GSAs. The reports include data on Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs), Graduate Student Research Assistants (GSRAs), and Graduate Student Staff Assistants (GSSAs).
There are six individual reports that comprise the GSA Reports package. The reports can be used to report on three categories of GSA data - Bio/Demo and Student Records data, classes taught information, and job data.
Note: The FA AWARD VIEW USER or the FA AWARD ENTRY USER role is required to run GSA Reports. Additionally, these roles provide access to:
- Run the GSA Fellowship Benefits report for information on benefit eligibility or enrollments for a group of students/employees or an individual student/employee.
- View the GSA Inquiry page for inquiries about the tuition waivers that have been processed for a GSA.
Selecting a Reporting Tool
There are two online reporting tools used to run GSA Reports in M-Pathways - Report Manager and PS Query. You can use either tool, depending on your business needs. Report Manager provides options for saving your report settings and selecting different report formats, while public queries are the more direct and impromptu method of retrieving data in M-Pathways.
There are two matching GSA Reports packages in M Pathways, one for each reporting tool. The overall process is the same for either tool, which is to select the report or query, specify the data parameters (e.g., range of terms), run the report or query, view/print the data, and if desired export the data to Excel for additional formatting.
Some differences between the two reporting tools are:
- Report Manager: This tool is used to generate predefined reports. Each report may be generated as a PDF document for viewing and printing. Additionally:
- You only complete one procedure to generate any or all of the six reports within the GSA Reports package.
- You are required to create a Run Control ID to specify the data parameters. This is useful because you can create and save a Run Control ID for each set of your data parameters to be reused each time you run the reports.
- The PDF versions of the reports are in color and formatted for easy readability.
- The reports can be generated as WKS files for exporting the report data to Excel, but the PS Query tool is recommended instead for Excel formatting. This is because the WKS files display multiple lines and misaligned headings for select types of data (i.e., Bio/Demo and Job).
- PS Query: This is used to run a public query to retrieve data from M-Pathways in a grid in a browser window that can be downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet. Additionally:
- Each of the public queries within the GSA Reports package must be generated separately.
- The data parameters must be specified each time a public query is run.
Running GSA Reports
Required Data Prompts
Both reporting tools require the following prompts to specify the range of data included in GSA Reports:
- From Department: The six-digit Department ID to begin the range of Department IDs.
- To Department: The six-digit Department ID to end the range of Department IDs.
- First Term: The four-digit Academic Term value to begin the range of terms.
- Last Term: The four-digit Academic Term value to end the range of terms.
Note: When running GSA Reports for a single Department or Term, the same value must be entered in each respective field.
Medical School Terms
The Medical School has different Term values than ones used by other Schools/Colleges. However, GSA Reports requires non-Medical School Term values as input. The following guidelines indicate how Medical School staff should enter Term values to successfully run GSA Reports:
- The equivalent non-Medical School Term value should be substituted for the Medical School Term value for GSA Benefits and GSA Jobs.
For example, enter Term 1520 (Winter 2005) to collectively specify the Medical School Terms 1521, 1522, 1523, and 1524 (Winter 2005 M1-M4). - A range of non-Medical School Term values should be entered to include the range of Medical School Term values for GSA Bio/Demo and Student Records.
For example, enter the Term range of 1520-1530 (Winter 2005 - Spring 2006) to include Medical School Terms 1521, 1522, 1523, and 1524.
Using Report Manager
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Financial Aid > UM FA Merit Aid > UM GSA Reports
- Run a Report to a Window: This document details the steps for Windows PC users to run an online report in M-Pathways.
- Run a Report to the Report Manager: Mac users must use this procedure to run online reports in M-Pathways. Windows users can use this procedure, however running a report to a window has fewer steps.
Important Process Scheduler Request Information:: Select only reports with Application Engine in the Process Type column. Crystal versions may be listed on the page, however Crystal is no longer used with M-Pathways reports.
Using PS Query
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
Instructions: Run an Existing (Public) Query Using Query Viewer - This document details the steps for using PS Query to run a public query.
Important PS Query Step: The Query Viewer navigation path opens the Find an Existing Query page. This page requires that you enter the beginning of a query name in order to search for a specific public query. The public queries that comprise GSA Reports each begin with MHE_GSA. To distinguish between each query, refer to the query descriptions that display in the Search Results list.
Report Descriptions
There some data elements common to each report that are important to know:
- The PDF versions generated via Report Manager include rows of summary counts at the end of the report sections, when applicable. Each summary row is specific to the report section it follows, so it is important to read the descriptive text carefully for each summary row to ensure the counts and the type of counts are not misinterpreted.
- The report names begin with “GSA”.
- The reports/queries include each GSA's name and lD.
Bio/Demo and Student Records
This report/query captures a selection of each GSA’s Bio/Demo (personal) data and Student Records data. Additionally, it:
- flags the GSAs who are not registered for at least six credits in the term by highlighting their hours in the Credits column.
- shows citizenship status for tax withholding and maximum permissible effort.
- provides data that may be useful when departments are asked to report different types of information about their graduate students.
The following data is included in the report:
- Uniqname
- Country (if not U.S.)
- Acad Lvl BOT (academic level at beginning of term)
- Sex
- Academic Program
- Registration Status
- Residency
- Academic Plan Description
- Credits (number taken)
- Ethnic Group
- Sub-Plan
- Citizenship
- Term
Jobs by Funding Department ID, Appointing Department ID, or Academic Program
There are three individual reports/queries that capture the same GSA Job data for different reporting purposes. These reports/queries include both active GSAs and GSAs on work break status who are eligible for Benefits. They are:
- By Funding Department ID: This version includes GSAs employed by other departments who are funded by the Funding Department ID. It is intended for departmental Human Resources and/or Financials staff. The subtotal amounts on this report do not reflect the summary amounts of the funding Department ID. Instead, they reflect the sum of the FTE and Comp Rate values of the GSAs included in the report, which may include funding from other departments.
- By Appt Dept ID (Appointing Department ID): This version includes GSAs from other academic programs that are employed by the Appointing Department ID. It is intended for departmental Human Resources and student services staff who assign GSIs to teach specific classes.
- By Acad Prog (Academic Program): This version includes Job data for all GSAs matriculated in the department’s academic program(s), regardless of which department employs them. It is intended for student services staff who need to view the Job data for GSAs in their department’s academic program.
Each of the three Jobs reports include the following data:
- GSA Type
- CompRate (Compensation Rate)
- Funding End Date
- Empl Rcd (Employee Record)
- Term Comp Rate
- ShortCode
- Appt Start Date
- FTR Rate
- % Effort
- Appt End Date
- Funding Department
- Job Effective Date
- Appt Pd (period)
- Funding DeptID
- FTE (Full Time Equivalent)
- Funding Effective Date
Classes Taught
There are two reports/queries that list the classes taught by GSAs:
- Classes Taught: This report/query lists all the classes a department’s Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) have taught, which may be useful when assigning GSIs to teach future classes. When run with Report Manager, it refers to the Required Prompts to capture the applicable data for any student active in the specified range of Department IDs and term(s), regardless of current registration or employment status.
- Classes Taught by EmpllD: This report/query lists all the classes an individual instructor has taught at U-M. It also can include non-GSI instructors. When run with Report Manager, it refers to the Instructor EmplID prompt to generate a list of all the classes the individual taught at U-M, regardless of the range of Department IDs and terms in the required prompts.
Note: The sum of the enrollment for both reports is always correct, however the count of classes taught can be overrepresented if a GSI taught a cross-listed or meet-together (section-combined) class. In this instance, a row displays and is counted for each unique combination of subject, catalog, and section of a “section-combined” class, even though only one class was taught.
Each of the classes taught reports include the following data:
- Term
- Section
- Subject
- Description
- Catalog Number
- Enrollment Total
Report Access
The FA AWARD VIEW USER or FA AWARD ENTRY USER role is required to run GSA Reports. Refer to the Requesting and Removing OARS Access page for more information on requesting system access.